187 Petersen Rd, Morayfield QLD 4506

187 Petersen Rd, Morayfield QLD 4506
187 Petersen Rd, Morayfield QLD 4506
Caboolture Touch Association (CTA) has some of the best facilities on the Sunshine Coast. With access to seven (7) amazing fields, plenty of parking and a new facility, our Association has it all!
Adult Social Fixtures
CTA runs two (2) competition nights per week through two (2) seasons each year. Our competition nights are:
Tuesday Nights – Mixed
Thursday Nights – Mens, Womens and Men’s 40’s
Both competition nights have a number of grades in each ranging from social through to more competitive grades.
Game Times
Our game times for both competition nights are 6:30pm, 7:20pm & 8:10pm. Each teams games will be rotated through these timeslots each week.
Registering Teams and Players
The CTA invites nominations from teams and also individual players. You can find information on the team and player registration process by clicking on the 2024 Senior Registration Tile on our webpage (Link).
Some Important Things to Know
Other Player Opportunities
In addition to our normal fixture nights, our Association also provides a number of player participation events and development programs. These include: